ZRG Armor gen.2 Type A
50 Physical Defense Value
150 Magical Defense Value
The first variation of the Standard Type of the Zerck Royal Guard Armor, Type A stands for Assassin. This type of the Zerck Royal Guard Armor was specifically designed to suit the unique needs of rogues/assassins/spies.
Some additions made for example was the addition of a hood and face covering this choice was made because, the 2nd layer was modified the Gornack Beast hide was still used but instead of the upper layer being the Ravtena + Light plate a special magically infused fabric known as hidanta was used. This choice was made due hidanta’s special properties, this is because when rogues/assassins/spies want to use their invisibility they have 2 spells they constantly have to use, one being Into the Shadows and the other Magical concealment, Into the shadows makes them invisible, but their magical aura can still be felt by others this is where magical concealment comes into play it hides the users magical aura. These 2 spells however are very costly and even the most experienced can only keep it up for at max 15 min. Now Hidanta absorbed magic, meaning the need to use Magical concealment is no longer existent since the Fabric already absorbs the magic all the wearer has to do is use into the shadows, they still have to use Magical Concealment but in a way less potent form since Hidanta already absorbs 90% of the magical aura this intern sinks mana costs by 90% for the wearer, resulting in a max of an hour - 2 hours of being invisible.
Of course with the Ravtena + Light plate removed the armor is way less protective than its type. S counterpart, they also had to make the outer layer less dense to make the armor even lighter since rogues/assassins/spies all exclusively fight with combat styles that are very acrobatic and athletic, and they also tend to be behind the lines making a quick way to escape a top priority in case of danger.
ZRG Armor gen.3 Type A
180 Physical Defense Value
200 Magical Defense Value
The 3rd Generation of the Assassin Type includes all the modifications of the Standard issue. Now with the AeMS a light plate was also able incorporated giving the armor more defense. Furthermore, the hidanta’s Fabric was improved making extending the time of invisibly by 5%.
In addition, the boots were also equipped with AeMS+ witch give more even more agility.